“Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.” – Thomas Jef

Friday, April 15, 2022

Civic Role

Topic: Civics 

Sub Topic: Civic Role 

What is Your Civic Role? 

Civics allows us to develop values and morals. It deals with the study of the rights and roles of citizens. According to kidcentralaltn.com "civic is not just limited to participation in politics but encompasses participation in classrooms, neighbourhood, groups and other organization". 

 We all have civic roles within the society and we must know these roles to contribute to a peaceful society. The civic role is the responsibility of citizens. This role compromises actions and attitudes associated with democratic, governance and social participation. Civic responsibility includes but is not limited to participation in government, church, volunteers, and membership in voluntary associations (Center for Civic Education 2020). 

    Within the society, we lack adequate knowledge of our civic role as such, the society tends to lack peace as people have become crude towards one another. Along with this, if we look closely at ourselves we can see that we lack social skills, we do not positively interact with each other nor do we know how to communicate with each other and respect each other's rights, responsibilities, and opinions. 


One of our most important civic roles within society is exercising our right to choose a political representative to govern on our behalf but are taking this seriously? Many individuals have refrained from exercising their democratic role. In the 2020 general election in Jamaica voters' turnout was thirty-seven percent (37%) lower than the previous general election in 2016. This goes to show how much we refrain from this civic responsibility. Many resonate with the idea or belief that whether they vote or not someone will govern the country or they are not seeing anything to vote for. This mentality has to go because it is our civic duty or role to partake in the democratic process to ensure your voice is heard on important issues for your county's future. 

Article on Jamaica's voters turn out in 2020:


Here are some Civic Roles that You Should know: 

  1. Respect the Rights, Responsibilities, and Opinions of others.
  2. Pay Taxes.
  3. Obey the Laws.
  4. Stay informed on the issues affecting your community. 
  5. Protect the environment. 
Do you Know any Civic Role that was not mentioned above? Share them in the comment section. 

The video below is for further knowledge. Watch it and Share Your Views In the Comment Section. 


Civic Responsibility | Learning to Give. Learningtogive.org. (2022). Retrieved 16 April 2022, from https://www.learningtogive.org/resources/civic-responsibility#:~:text=Civic%20Responsibility%20is%20defined%20as,and%20memberships%20of%20voluntary%20associations.

Components of Civic Education - Meaning and Examples of Rights Primary 3 (Basic 3) Civic Education - ClassRoomNotes | Lesson Notes. ClassRoomNotes | Lesson Notes. (2022). Retrieved 16 April 2022, from https://classbasic.com/components-of-civic-education-meaning-and-examples-of-rights-primary-3-basic-3-civic-education/.

The Importance of Civic Education. Kidcentraltn.com. (2022). Retrieved 16 April 2022, from https://www.kidcentraltn.com/education/community---after-school-care/the-importance-of-civic-education-.html.

Thomas, K. (2022). Election 2020: Low Voter Turn Out And The State of Democracy - CVM TV. CVM TV. Retrieved 16 April 2022, from https://www.cvmtv.com/news/politics-jamaica-election-2020/election-2020-low-voter-turn-out-and-the-state-of-democracy/.

Presidential Precinct. Youtube.com. (2022). Retrieved 16 April 2022, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6bNwmrBPXI.


  1. I am in agreement with the video and the information displayed in this blog. As citizens it is our duty and responsibility to ensure that we are engaged in society to ensure the betterment of the country not just for our selves but for our children’s children and the others to come.

  2. This document was very informative and I agree when you say the most important civic role is to excerise our rights but many of us do not take it seriously. The video was also informative I learn a lot by just reading this.

  3. I found this document very enlightening. It has addressed many misunderstanding I personally had about my civic duties. The video by extent was very informative and I do agree that civic engagement is best effective when all stakeholders work together to achieve a common goal.


Civic Role

Topic: Civics  Sub Topic: Civic Role  What is Your Civic Role?  Civics allows us to develop values and morals. It deals with the study of th...